How do I access training?

Change can be hard. Implementing a new Clinical Information System (CIS) across the entire province is an ambitious project, that will provide us with opportunities to learn new skills, opportunities to support each other, and of course, there will be times of stress as well. However, the best way to ensure the success of any project, whether large or small, is to ensure the success of every individual affected by the change.  That’s where training and support come in.

As part of our Education & Learning strategy, we will be sending out a digital literacy assessment.  This brief survey is designed to help us understand how comfortable you are using digital tools and processes. In turn, that helps us design and deliver education and learning materials that will meet your learning needs. Also, if you feel that you need additional support to develop greater digital knowledge or comfort, the Education & Learning team can provide recommendations and support.

Built on a foundation of patient safety, we have two core goals for our Education & Learning program:

  1. User Competence
  2. User Confidence

Our goal is to ensure that when you complete your education and learning experience, you will be competent to use the OPOR-CIS in your current role, and that you feel confident that you are using the system correctly and documenting everything necessary for your professional obligations.

We will use the Oracle Health training framework as the basis for our Education & Learning program, but we will customize it to meet the learning needs of Nova Scotian healthcare workers. Everyone has different preferences for learning modalities and different styles of learning, and our Education & Learning program will be grounded in adult learning approaches to meet all these needs.

Educational Resources

Getting Cozy with Technology

Education and learning will be provided in a “Just in Time” model to align to your Go Live date.  This ensures that you access training at the optimal time to maximize your learning, practice time, and overall success.

Both online and in-person learning components will guide you through using the Oracle Health system.  Our approach involves supporting learners to use the system to do their job and not necessarily learn every aspect of the entire system.  This role-based training is most effective when working with professionals in complex organizations and will provide you with the best experience and opportunity to develop both competency and confidence.

We will also be providing access to a practice environment where you can enhance your knowledge and skills, as well as dress rehearsals to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible before going live. Additionally, user manuals, tip sheets, and workflow resources will be provided.

Oracle Health Supplied Training

Oracle Health will provide a wealth of tailored training material for the OPOR Clinical Information System to support all of those engaged in the provision of health services in Nova Scotia.