The Impact: Medical Management

Electronic Best Possible Medication History (BPMH) and Medication Reconciliation: Patient electronic health records will be pre-populated with medication history from a previous, or from the Drug Information System (DIS) to facilitate efficient review and documentation of home medications with patient, family, or a designated caregiver.

  • Ability to directly relate home medication to in-patient medication
  • Ease of reconciling BPMH into desired inpatient medications without transcription errors or omissions
  • Ability to see home medications for decision making at all transitions in the inpatient journey
  • eMAR available to view use of PRNs and determine appropriateness of prescribing at discharge
  • Easier to produce a Start, Stop Continue list for the patient on discharge
  • Ideally, integration with DIS will facilitate electronic prescriptions to community pharmacies for NS

Computerized Prescriber Order Entry (CPOE): Electronic order entry will replace paper orders. Orders entered electronically, will be verified by pharmacists to ensure appropriate therapy and the appropriate product is available for administration.

Electronic Medication Administration Records (eMAR): Electronic orders for medications will auto populate the medication administration record.

Barcode Medication Administration (BCMA): Barcode scanning will be used (where applicable) to match the patient to their electronic health record and to scan the medication and efficiently bring up the appropriate section of the medication administration record to facilitate documentation.

Allergy record: A single allergy record will be available to clinicians in all care locations using OPOR