Workshop Information

What is a Design Workshop?

Design Workshops are sessions as part of Design Sprints where Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) i.e. clinicians with experience in relevant areas, come together to review, discuss, and inform design decisions for the new OPOR-Clinical Information System. OPOR is leveraging the Cerner Canadian Reference Model (CCRM) as the blueprint for designing and building the CIS, with significant localization and validation by Nova Scotians front-line clinicians.

The design workshops require a significant contribution from a diverse representation across clinical domains and geography. Success and challenges in other jurisdictions have highlighted frontline clinician engagement and ownership as a critical factor in delivering on this scale of technology-enabled transformation. OPOR is very grateful to the hundreds of SMEs from both IWK Health and NSH for their time and contributions.

How can Subject Matter Experts Prepare?

Organizational leadership teams from IWK Health and the four Nova Scotia Health zones have identified Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) based on their knowledge, skills, and expertise. Design workshop invitations will be sent as early as five weeks prior to the workshop start date from the One Person One Record Lead.

What to Expect in a Workshop Session

Key Aspects of Workshop Sessions:

Some sessions are focused on the workflows of individual clinicians or physicians. Other sessions are “integrated”—this means many disciplines will be included in the virtual session. These sessions are especially pertinent when discussing detailed workflows.

Concepts are introduced and then your team performs hands on validation of prior build concepts and workflows at subsequent events.

It is a collaborative approach to decision making.  Representatives from all zones and partners will be present to have a robust discussion on each topic and determine the best resolution of each decision requirement that meets the needs across the province.

Sessions at this point are largely demonstration based—an Oracle consultant will be sharing their screens and walking through functionality and workflows in real time with the SMEs.

We recognize this is not the way all individuals learn, and sometimes this is challenging, but we encourage our SMEs to speak up and ask for more detail, or a re-demonstration of aspects to better assist them in making informed decisions—and that our OPOR team will support them in this.

How is OPOR Leveraging the Cerner Canadian Reference Model (CCRM)?

As a Subject Matter Expert (SME) you are not expected to build the OPOR Clinical Information System (OPOR-CIS) from the ground up, but instead validate workflows and decisions/localize to the Nova Scotian context utilizing the CCRM as a starting point. The CCRM is an Oracle Health product built based on best practices and current implementations in Canada, specifically in Kitchener, Windsor, Kingston, Niagara, and soon Nova Scotia.


Workshop: Group of localization/design sessions related to specific areas of expertise, disciplines, workflows, etc.

Session: Specific engagement related to one topic of expertise, discipline, or workflow type. There will be a multitude of sessions throughout each workshop (i.e. session 1.1, session 1.2, and so forth) that will range from a time commitment of 30 minutes to a full day depending on the topic at hand.

Subject Matter Expert (SME): The SME provides and represents the clinical voice. They have been in their position long enough to have their skills and knowledge become “second nature”. One Person One Record employees will not function as SMEs.

Oracle Health Lead: The designated leader of the specific domain being referenced.